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Saturday 7 March 2015

International Women's Day on 8th March

International Women’s day:  An awareness of equality

The International Women's Day held annually on March 8, this Blog honors the women with respect! So many women have inspired me over the years and continue to do so. I would honor my best friend who beat all the odds and made a fabulous life for herself despite being raised in the most horrific conditions. I admire her more than any other human being I have ever met or known.
This day brings awareness to how far women have come from the days where they were generally homemakers and child-bearers, to having positions of significant power in politics, the media, and education.

Woman Means special relation of god to every human being in the world.
Respect women , stop violence.
W=wonderful Mother
O=Outstanding friend
M=Marvelous daughter
A=Adorable Sister
N=Nice gift to Men from GOD        

Women changes her name for a Men
Women changes her home for Men
Women  leaves her home for Men
Women builds a home with you.
Women gets pregnant for you.
Women gives birth to your child after bearing unbearable pain!!!!

 So, who is really doing whom a favour ?

Dear men appreciate the women in your lives always, because it’s not easy to be a Women!

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